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By fpena944
David993S wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 2:25 pm Image

Love it!

Still the cleanest garage I've seen outside of the NASCAR shops where they have some kid dedicated to cleaning up any spill as soon as it touches the floor.

So now the question is, how did you do this? I have a hard enough time painting a scary face on a pumpkin.
By David993S
fpena944 wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 2:54 pm
Love it!

Still the cleanest garage I've seen outside of the NASCAR shops where they have some kid dedicated to cleaning up any spill as soon as it touches the floor.

So now the question is, how did you do this? I have a hard enough time painting a scary face on a pumpkin.

I'm nowhere near that talented. There's a local lady that paints pumpkins and can paint pretty much any image you give her. Then she shellacs them so they last a long time.

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