8 cylinder front engine iconic vehicle
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By linderpat
...and will have some evening time, especially Thursday. Wondering if I can make a visit to Sean's shop and Roger's new digs? Maybe say hello to John, Sterling, Darien and the crew too.
By linderpat
PM sent. I'll be staying out by Love field airport, but I have a car so can meet up anywhere. Thursday evening is good for me.
By linderpat
Looking forward to seeing the folks. Sterling, Roger posted the GTG details on TOS. Loks like we'll meet at his place. See you there (hopefully)
By WyattsRide
This gang looks very shady. Is this what they call a "chop shop"? :beerchug:

lupo.sk, XR4Tim, linderpat and 1 others liked this
By Stepson
I thought it looked like a prison break....:)

A good time was had by all but those that got there late and missed the barbeque.
By linderpat
John's stories are the best. Damn man, you've been in it a few times :beerchug: What a great time, and great gang of folks. Finally got to meet doc Mirror too. Good convo and good libations (Except for John's peanut butter bourbon :hiding: :lol2: )
JMW928 liked this

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