Probably should go to its own thread but here goes.....
Mrmerlin wrote:Flint if your engine is dropping idle you should first check for vacuum leaks , put a vacuum gauge on one of the damper lines and monitor you should see 18 IN.
Getting about 16 steady. If I increase idle to 950 I get 18.
Mrmerlin wrote:Next tighten all the hose clamps for every connection look for cracked hoses.
Have been through all of the hoses and clamps. All hoses have been replaced.
Mrmerlin wrote:Next have a look at the idle control units and spray some cleaner into them , blow dry
then some long term oil spray so it wont rust.
Idle control units? 82 LJet has AAV which has been opened cleaned tested and AFM. Got a replacement AFM from 928 Intl in 2022 (I have been in this one but have it back to where it started trying to solve this) Intake has been apart, intake tubes replaced, injectors replaced, injector seals replaced, all hoses and clamps replaced. What other idle control units are there?
Mrmerlin wrote:Check the timing belt timing as well as the distributor timing.
Timing belt has been replaced and checked. Distributer set correctly with timing light. Actually have 2 distributors.
Mrmerlin wrote:Finally turn up the idle a bit. RPMs to 875 /925
Tried bringing up the idle and down. Still does the same thing.
Mrmerlin wrote:NOTE if none of this fixes things then you will have to get into the barn door wiper .
I use my nose to set mixture thats about the only way besides having an O2 reader.
I have been in here and messed with the wiper, dial, bypass screw. Have it all back to where it was. Don't have a way to measure the CO which is why I asked in this thred. Have a wideband O2 sensor but have my original cat feeding to a Borla only one O2 port. How else can I measure CO?
Mrmerlin wrote:NOTE make sure the sample tubes are not broken off the ex manifolds and if so plug the ports.
Sample tubes?
Mrmerlin wrote:Make sure the O2 sensor is the factory part not the generic version as the connector is not the best.
Factory Oxygen Sensor installed
Mrmerlin wrote:Check the temp sensor for the injection and its connector.
Have original temp sensor and replacement. Both do the same thing. Connector is good. Replaced front harness and have replaced all injector connectors as well still same.
Mrmerlin wrote:make sure the green wire is in good condition and it is a Bosch part.
It is a bosch green wire
Mrmerlin wrote:Clean the 2 injection ground wires on the RT cam tower. spray with Deoxit 100
Connections have been cleaned and Deoxitized.
Mrmerlin wrote:Mixture can be adjusted by fixing vacuum leaks or readjusting the barn door wiper spring.
Dont touch this part till absolutely last.
Like I stated earlier I have already been inside the barn door. I took pictures of it in 2022 where things were and have it back to those settings. It hasn't really run right and I thought another AFM would have solved it but it didn't.
Have original injectors as well as Rogers newer 4 port injectors. Same result. The car starts up fine. Idles around 1000 or so then drops to about 800 after a few minutes. If I hit the gas and release idle drops below 800... close to zero and immediately bounces back up. Once warm the car will sometimes hunt idle surges from 800 to 1500 or so. This will go away after a bit. After a really good drive the car will still drop idle but then when I'm at a light or stop idle can drop way down to 200-300 or so almost stalling staying there no surging. If I disconnect idle microswitch there is no more idle drop or hunting idle. Instead the idle will hover at around 1600-1800 then slowly drop down. so no idle drop below idle or hunting but rpms hang and slowly drop.
Other things I've done...
Sent my computer to Airtek and it works in his 82. Tried two spares he had in mine and they both do the same thing.
Sent my TSZ switch unit to him and it worked in his car plus tried a spare in mine same result.
Vacuum limiter (UFO) hoses replaced and good. Tested the unit and it holds vacuum. Have a spare. Both do the same thing.
Original regulators and damper. They all hold vacuum and no leaking fuel.
Replaced fuel pump check valve.
I've been fighting this for a while. I know I'm probably missing something simple but it continues to evade me. With that being said I can still drive the car but just don't want to take it too far until I get this figured out.