8 cylinder front engine iconic vehicle
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By maddog2020
In my traipsing around the internet I found that 928ms was selling a very expensive oil cooler for the 928, and was supposedly custom made for him and the selling price was a whopping $1200. On the pics I noticed some mounting bosses that are not needed for the 928 so I correctly assumed that it was not a custom cooler and could be found for less than half his price (normal for that vendor) I found the Setrab 52-12968-01 which could normally be picked up for $460 with free shipping. It is a nice dual pass cooler, with M22 threads, which tons of adapters are available for AN-10 or -12 fittings. Below you can see it side by side with the factory cooler.

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By Crumpler
Two observations:

A. Nice work, that looks perfect.
B. Yeah, it took me years to figure out that I was financing his track time by buying retail products at a significant mark up.
By worf
Whatacha doing for brackets for speed nuts for a front belly pan?
By maddog2020
Here is the 1st pass at the brackets. The brackets are steel and the fan shroud is aluminum. The log tabs are far too long but this pass was just to get the wrap and general shape the way I wanted it. There will be an extra tab on the opposite side where the bolts are to hold the fan shroud. The plan is to put 3 of these spal fans and have 2 large flaps that open when the car is moving.



The side with the bolts is the front, and then then fan shroud and the puller fans will be on the rear. After I get it mounted and dialed in, then I can work on the brackets for the belly pan to mount

The smallest fan I could find that I wanted to base the system off of is the Spal 4 inch fan, and the cooler is 3 inches so that is why it has the odd shape,
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