8 cylinder front engine iconic vehicle
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By Crumpler
Chasing a small but pesky coolant leak recently. Localized to the Y hardine where the heater and engine return live under the expansion tank.
I am assuming I broke some petrified goo loose while pushing things around during the supercharger install.

After seeing what the OEM tank are going for, I decided to get the aluminum version from 928 Motorsports.
Knowing there is no way to see what the level is, but also knowing I haven't been able to see through the stock tank since 2009 :).
Also shopping for new level sensors made me R/R the one I have since it was working fine.

While I have learned the hard way over the years to not expect a plug and play install with any 928 Motorsport purchase, I was prepared to deal with adversity for 50% of the OEM tank cost.

The first modification required was to lower the profile on the overflow bung so that the radiator cap would actually go on the tank.
The second required different size barb fittings for the top of the tank to receive the stock hoses. Clearly the stock tank has smaller barbs. How hard is it to match your aftermarket kit to a stock 928? I can't blame it on Carl anymore, but I assume the new management is just shipping product that was on the shelf.
Anyway, the rest of the process was unremarkable after removing corrosion from the hardline.
I will say placing tank was sort of a blue hose PITA situation.
By worf
Whatever you do with that tank, make sure that you add in a “sight glass” modification. A length of clear hose (of appropriate material) that spans the height of the tank will do. But, you need one:

- to see level
- to see if anything is mixing with the coolant (unless you are using a “one-cooler” radiator from a ‘90 or ‘91 GT.)

I am building an engine for a client that needs a new one to go with his completely-rebuilt auto-box because that ‘solid’ tank didn’t allow him to see that oil, coolant, and ATF was mixing (in the POS all-aluminum 3-cooler radiator that some shop convinced him to buy along with the far-from-transparent expansion tank.)
By Crumpler

I never heard of a three cooler unit, that sounds….complex.

Actually I’m running the non-oil cooler radiator, and independent oil cooler.

Also, while installing tank I managed to push on the fuel tank vapor to canister line and heard a dry ripping sound out of that braided material. You know, because I have to ham fist something on each project. So I will be replacing that this weekend as well. :barf:
By maddog2020
I just purchased a new one a few years ago. I had one of the mentioned ones in my hands and just couldn't do that to my 928. All of the things you mentioned. There has to be a more elegant solution with a sight glass. I thought about having 2 aluminum bowls welded together, and adding a sight glass. by the time you have a custom one made you could have just bought the factory one. It sucks but it should last another 10-15 years.
By maddog2020
SeanR wrote: Fri Jun 17, 2022 1:43 pm Rogers got a cheaper Mercedes replacement. I've installed a few of them and they work well. Just no level sensor but at least you can see the level.
Glad those are working out. It also saves the cost of that level sensor, which is crazy expensive as well.
By Crumpler
SeanR wrote: Fri Jun 17, 2022 1:43 pm Rogers got a cheaper Mercedes replacement. I've installed a few of them and they work well. Just no level sensor but at least you can see the level.
Rats. That sounds like a good option.
Harrumph. I did call Roger first but did not
get a reply to voice mail. I should have tried harder.
By worf
Crumpler wrote: Fri Jun 17, 2022 11:57 am I never heard of a three cooler unit, that sounds….complex.
The most common type of 928 radiator: end-tank cooler for ATF, end-tank cooler for motor oil, center matrix for coolant.
By Crumpler
worf wrote: Fri Jun 17, 2022 9:54 pm
Crumpler wrote: Fri Jun 17, 2022 11:57 am I never heard of a three cooler unit, that sounds….complex.
The most common type of 928 radiator: end-tank cooler for ATF, end-tank cooler for motor oil, center matrix for coolant.
No kidding.
Boy, I have zero experience outside 85-86 MY.
I assumed early models were just radiators, then built in oil cooler for 85-86, then I thought Porsche had used an independent oil cooler for S4 and beyond?
Or are we talking most common current aftermarket situation being multi core?

I did an autopsy on one of my broken radiators just to look at the oil cooler. It didn’t strike me as super impressive in terms of size and efficiency— at least for track use.
Not being an engineer, I’m sure there’s an equation for heat transfer ;). But, I’m going to say the more hot cores you put in a radiator the less cool your coolant fluid is going to be coming out.
Generally. Unrelated to air flow across the surface, yada yada.
This is where I would get lectured from Dr. Bob on the other channel. Speaking of, I haven’t seen Mr. “I can’t be held responsible for my own advice” posting over there lately.
By jschiller
Crumpler wrote: Sat Jun 18, 2022 8:44 am
This is where I would get lectured from Dr. Bob on the other channel. Speaking of, I haven’t seen Mr. “I can’t be held responsible for my own advice” posting over there lately.
Interestingly, Dr. Bob was banned on TOS. I happened to catch sight of a comment on the banning before it was promptly removed by a mod. Then another member asked about him and I replied simply that he was banned and THAT comment was promptly removed. It looks like they are hiding their dirty laundry over there by removing all references to the great mod massacre and its follow-up.
By SeanR
jschiller wrote: Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:54 am
Crumpler wrote: Sat Jun 18, 2022 8:44 am
This is where I would get lectured from Dr. Bob on the other channel. Speaking of, I haven’t seen Mr. “I can’t be held responsible for my own advice” posting over there lately.
Interestingly, Dr. Bob was banned on TOS. I happened to catch sight of a comment on the banning before it was promptly removed by a mod. Then another member asked about him and I replied simply that he was banned and THAT comment was promptly removed. It looks like they are hiding their dirty laundry over there by removing all references to the great mod massacre and its follow-up.
When you try to stage a coup and get caught at it, don't be surprised when you are no longer welcome at a site. That's what got him pushed out the door.
By worf
Yes, Dr Bob was a casualty of the *second* massacre of mods and discovered what I discovered: IB acts capriciously, without warning or explanation and that the membership has no value except as a resource that me be harvested on a whim.
By worf
SeanR wrote: Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:59 am When you try to stage a coup and get caught at it, don't be surprised when you are no longer welcome at a site. That's what got him pushed out the door.
Was that covered on OR’s “RL Sucks” thread and I missed/forgot it? Or is this new insight?
By SeanR
worf wrote: Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:12 pm
SeanR wrote: Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:59 am When you try to stage a coup and get caught at it, don't be surprised when you are no longer welcome at a site. That's what got him pushed out the door.
Was that covered on OR’s “RL Sucks” thread and I missed/forgot it? Or is this new insight?
Discussed over the first month of us being here.
By Crumpler
So who are the mods over there now?
I assume Erik is still involved, but I got the impression he wasn’t actively policing anymore and had delegated to others. That may be the wrong impression, I don’t go over there often anymore.
By worf
SeanR wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 9:27 am Discussed over the first month of us being here.
mkay. So, I forgot that.

I had a discussion with one of the Purge 2.0 mods and got a very different story.

No matter though as it doesn’t change the conclusion: IB sucks.

Sorry for thread hijack Crumpler.
By Crumpler
Crumpler wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 1:59 pm So who are the mods over there now?
I assume Erik is still involved, but I got the impression he wasn’t actively policing anymore and had delegated to others. That may be the wrong impression, I don’t go over there often anymore.
Only the really cool people can quote themselves in a post.

Proof of life from Hacker ;)

I lost my cool with GB and got a PM and my post taken down.

It was over the ass trying to sabotage the free cad files on the oil spacer thread, because of course oil spacers were his idea and the world was stealing from him again.
By worf
Crumpler wrote: Sat Jul 02, 2022 12:23 pm I lost my cool with GB and got a PM and my post taken down.

It was over the ass trying to sabotage the free cad files on the oil spacer thread, because of course oil spacers were his idea and the world was stealing from him again.
I saw that thread. Didn't click through. Knew what I'd find.
Crumpler wrote: Sat Jul 02, 2022 12:23 pm Proof of life from Hacker ;)
IB's MO on its other forums is "vendors first" period. On the 'vette forum it was practice (might still be, haven't been there in years) to delete any URL that was not to a paying vendor's site. It didn't matter if it was for a product that wasn't offered by a paying vendor.

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