8 cylinder front engine iconic vehicle
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By potdog
Oil suppression kit for 32V 928 comprising of Valve cover oil separator plates for both cam covers set of four and the oil neck baffle and tool to remove nuts inside cam cover $265 shipped.
By milrad
Oh I know a guy with the initials GB that's going to be really mad at you!

That said, this design seems to work really well. Doug installed mine for me while I watched....

By worf
milrad wrote: Thu Jul 14, 2022 10:45 pm Oh I know a guy with the initials GB that's going to be really mad at you!
Regardless of your opinion of GB, there’s something not-right with copying his product right down to the washers under the bolts. That takes some gall.

Condoning the behavior by buying dogpot’s copies helps ensure that fewer custom parts are made available for the 928.
linderpat liked this
By maddog2020
some people absolutely refuse to deal with GB's mood swings and rants. He has also moved into Carl's monopolistic area of expertise: Attacking his customer's. Greg makes some good stuff, but it's no where near as tested as he claims. The more of these simple solutions out there in cars being tested and improved upon are good for the 928 community. GB also has problems delivering and it's being discussed at many get togethers, along with his latest tantrums. It makes no progress if he makes cool stuff and can't get it out the door. Business is about PROVIDING goods and services. His hording and attacks cost him more business than he knows.
By worf
maddog2020 wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:37 am some people absolutely refuse to deal with GB's mood swings and rants. He has also moved into Carl's monopolistic area of expertise: Attacking his customer's. Greg makes some good stuff, but it's no where near as tested as he claims.
I get that. All valid points.

maddog2020 wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:37 am The more of these simple solutions out there in cars being tested and improved upon are good for the 928 community. GB also has problems delivering and it's being discussed at many get togethers, along with his latest tantrums. It makes no progress if he makes cool stuff and can't get it out the door. Business is about PROVIDING goods and services. His hording and attacks cost him more business than he knows.
Where's the line?

Hans makes some fabulous stuff and he's often weeks or months away from being able to ship.

So, it's OK then to copy all of Hans' stuff too? Because he doesn't have inventory?

Or, it's not OK to copy Hans' stuff as long as he doesn't throw a tantrum about people copying his stuff?

Or, it's not OK because you like Hans?

What if dogpot copied Hans' shifter design right down to the washers?

I'll tell'ya where my line is:

I support the original conception and development of stuff for the 928, not copies of what others have done and I do so without a lot of regard to the personalities involved.

I've bought custom parts from Mark, Ken, Sean, Hans, Roger, Greg, and others (Polecat, Geza, etc.) who from time-to-time make a small run of custom stuff. (One past exception being Carl.) In several cases, due to the 'batch' nature of the products, I keep one or three in inventory.

If potdog came up with something of his own conception that had utility, it is possible that I'd support that endeavor too.
SeanR, Gary Knox liked this
By maddog2020
I didn't make the line, or cross it. Others will and do. Bottom line people buy from people they like. If you are an asshole then the competition could offer a better experience and they will get customers. I'm not saying it's right, just that it does happen.
By Crumpler
Yeah, sorry Dave.
Sterling’s point is taken. ;)

Have I said how much I appreciate the fact that we can use obscenities here?
I mean, not gratuitous use of course, but the proper peppering of colorful language really brings out the flavor.
By milrad
worf wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 7:37 am
milrad wrote: Thu Jul 14, 2022 10:45 pm Oh I know a guy with the initials GB that's going to be really mad at you!
Regardless of your opinion of GB, there’s something not-right with copying his product right down to the washers under the bolts. That takes some gall.

Condoning the behavior by buying dogpot’s copies helps ensure that fewer custom parts are made available for the 928.
Just to be clear, I bought mine from Greg. That's how I knew the OP's were copies. or at least based on Greg's.

I'll agree GB is hard to get a hold of. But he has been nothing but helpful every time I did manage to speak with him. He also didn't completely hang up on me when I mentioned that I had bought Gretch's car :roflmao: But it was close!
SeanR liked this
By worf
milrad wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:47 pm Just to be clear, I bought mine from Greg. That's how I knew the OP's were copies. or at least based on Greg's.
Yeah, I knew those were Greg's.
milrad wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:47 pm He also didn't completely hang up on me when I mentioned that I had bought Gretch's car :roflmao: But it was close!
Huh. So... some bad blood between Greg and a (former) Rennlist moderator?

Nah. Can't be.

Whoda thunk it? :tongue:
milrad liked this

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