8 cylinder front engine iconic vehicle
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By SeanR
Been a shit show over the last year plus for me. Between moving the shop back home 2 years ago. Dealing with the issues around the home front, moving out of the house and not really working the last 6 months. I am back to working.

Today was day one and made a harness going to Australia. First customer car is tomorrow. I can’t tell you all how big of a relief it is to be back in a proper shop and almost being able to do proper work. We ordered lifts a month ago and they should be delivered in another month but I’m used to working on my back.

Huge thanks to so many people. milrad, rog100 and the crew at 928sRus and the amount of friends that came forward to assist me in the last 6 months. No way I can thank you all properly.

So here we go. Took a day and worked on my own car.
Bertrand Daoust, JMW928, Don Smith and 4 others liked this
By worf
Nice! Lotsa room.
By Ed Scherer
Congrats, Sean.

This should be a fine beginning for a new chapter in your life.

I hope to see your new place next time we're through the area to visit Helen's brother in Benbrook. Just missed the opportunity by about half a year this time!
By WyattsRide
Awesome Sean!! Space looks outstanding. Do you need an assistant?

I'm glad you are finally a productive member of society again. Giving back to the Government your fair share. Remember, there are plenty of Gov Programs that need your money! :burnout:
By h2pmr
congratulations Sean, i hope all goes well for you.
i should get over your side of the pond next year so hopefully i could call in for coffee, or warm beer if you have any :drink: :thumbup:
By sh944
Excellent! When I can drop my wife's 928 off? :bigok:
By Gary Knox
Wonderful news Sean. So glad this 'productive' aspect of your life is finally taking place, and I know all your customers who've been waiting patiently for this to occur are also very happy campers. Keep up the great work.

By ChrisZ
Very nice! Let me know when things slow down a bit and I'll drop off my 928S for a long overdue timing belt and everything change.
By linderpat
Congrats Sean. Great news and I’m glad you don’t have to sue anyone :hiding: the space looks great. I need to get back down there on another business trip so that I can see it in person!
SeanR liked this
By Mrmerlin
nice new floors and lots of space to drop ball bearings.
Glad you stuck to it Pard.
The lifts will be the best addition,
plus some peace and quiet for your soul.
\Carry On !
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