8 cylinder front engine iconic vehicle
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By h2pmr
pictured below is a piston from an 88/89 S4
number cast on the inside of the skirt is 100 so i guess it could be 928 103 043 29, anybody know what the 197 below it stands for?
but it has a 1 stamped on the top of the piston, does that mean its a tolerance group 1 so ending in part number 19 or 69 ?
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By h2pmr
mr928 wrote:since it is a group 1 piston the number is 928-103-043-19
29 is group 2
thanks for the reply, but could it also be a 928 103 043 69 piston have which is also a group 1?
By h2pmr
or in better English
but could it also be a 928 103 043 69 piston which is also a group 1?
By mr928
h2pmr wrote: Thu Mar 24, 2022 3:34 pm
mr928 wrote:since it is a group 1 piston the number is 928-103-043-19
29 is group 2
thanks for the reply, but could it also be a 928 103 043 69 piston have which is also a group 1?
the 928-103-043-69 is a 100,49 size piston and group 1
By h2pmr
but are there any markings, castings etc on a piston to prove which size it is 99.99 or 100.49mm?

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