8 cylinder front engine iconic vehicle
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By bizman928
Have been chased by a couple of 928 owners regarding the missing bungee receiver in their rear quarter panel to hold the luggage cover bungee end piece. Seems to be called an "End piece of Rope" in PET part 92855577702. So I set about getting this modelled up and have had my Day job workplace 3D print some up in Glass filled Nylon for strength.

Don't look too bad and fit perfectly

I will make them available in the classifieds for anyone interested.
Gary Knox, worf, linderpat and 2 others liked this
By ChrisZ
Nice job! I love the concept of people just printing their parts, do you think it would work in PETG?
By bizman928
ChrisZ wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 3:15 pm Nice job! I love the concept of people just printing their parts, do you think it would work in PETG?
Hi. Yes it should work for PETG but that may scratch more easily for some parts? It would be trial and error to see how it performed after printing. I would expect to have to do some careful conditioning with the pre-heat chamber and bed as damage can be caused to the PEI due to the much higher temperature extruding PETG. It will stick to everything it comes in contact with including the heated bed and any supports. It also drools quite a bit.

Have fun and let me know how you get on.

By bizman928
GT6ixer wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 12:08 pm Great job. Are those 100% infill? What printer do you guys use?
We use Markforged printers.
The centre section has inner lips and lock shelfs within it so very tricky to print and keep the accuracy but the outer profile is 100% infill yes.

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