8 cylinder front engine iconic vehicle
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By Gary Knox
I bought another 928 (been without one for 6 years), and already know I need a few bits to bring it up to my standards.  IF any of you great folks in the 928 community have these items for sale, or are parting out a car, please let me know if you have them.  Need condition (good to excellent required) and price including shipping to zip 19382.   All probably from an '87 or later.   As always - looking for value (ha).

 1.  Seal across the top of the firewall that seals hot engine air from the cabin intake
 2.  The two bolts/screws that hold the amplifier cover onto the sill by the outside edge of the passenger seat (have large black plastic heads
 3.  OE interior rear view mirror
 4. The filler tube for the windshield washer fluid (connects to the reservoir by a rubber tube.   Mine is OK, but the top where the cap fastens is slightly broken and cap won't stay in place.

Thanks for your consideration.    Send me a PM, or respond on this thread.

Cheers mates,

Gary Knox
West Chester PA
By worf
Gary Knox wrote: Fri May 14, 2021 5:21 pm  1.  Seal across the top of the firewall that seals hot engine air from the cabin intake
I bought a bulk roll of that stuff. e-mail me the length you want and I'll ship you a section for $5 + slow-boat shipping. (Unless I'm down to my last meter in which case you'll need to wait a bit for another roll to arrive....)

Note that it is not 'pre-molded' but neither is a new one from Porsche.
Gary Knox wrote: Fri May 14, 2021 5:21 pm  4. The filler tube for the windshield washer fluid (connects to the reservoir by a rubber tube.   Mine is OK, but the top where
Good luck. The filler necks are on back-order and have been for about 5 years. I actually own the last two known to exist in the wild but PAG won't release them. And, I dare not cancel the order at the old price. 'cause when they reappear they will be Porsche Classic Parts with a price appropriate for solid gold.
By Gary Knox

Thanks for the offer. Jerry Feather has offered to send me one, and I accepted (Rennlist post). I'd actually prefer a good used to new, but if this doesn't work out. i'll certainly buy yours (but at a fair price, which exceeds your stated amount!)


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