By SeaCay - Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:08 am
- Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:08 am
There are quite a few threads at the other place regarding hatch/frame separation. The consensus seems to be that the usual methods just don't seem to work, with re-delamination of the hatch glass from the frame occurring too soon and too often.
So, does anyone have any insight/knowledge about any of these products from Henkel (Loctite company): ... e=Products
I believe a huge problem would be that if/when it failed, you'd have to throw the hatch and frame away if using one of the urethane adhesives. But if the project fails to begin with (using older technology) are you really not in the same boat anyway?
So, who has any inside info/experience with the above? ORRRRR, have you successfully resealed a hatch with another method?
So, does anyone have any insight/knowledge about any of these products from Henkel (Loctite company): ... e=Products
I believe a huge problem would be that if/when it failed, you'd have to throw the hatch and frame away if using one of the urethane adhesives. But if the project fails to begin with (using older technology) are you really not in the same boat anyway?
So, who has any inside info/experience with the above? ORRRRR, have you successfully resealed a hatch with another method?