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By fpena944
Time is approaching to swap out the brake pads on the Cayenne Turbo. I've also been feeling a little bit of pulsating on the pedal when braking at higher speeds so going to replace the rotors as well.

I've been searching everywhere but just wonder if anyone has any favorites or recommendations for where I should order these parts from?

Steel brakes, not ceramic!

By amdavid
The last set PowerStops I got for the 955 worked really well, I was impressed based on price point....nice bite and not much brake dust. I've also had good luck with Zimmerman rotors/Bosh pads.

Look on Rock Auto, ECS and FCP Euro for good comparisons.
By worf
I did the FCP Euro front and rear kits on our Macan Turbo (mini-sorta-Cayenne.)

IIRC Zimmerman Rotors and all required bits, bolts, and baubles.

No complaints.

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